Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hey Beautiful People,
I'm sure some of you - particularly those who frequent the Anthropology Dept - may already know Dr. Vidali (Spitulnik), but most people probably don't know that she is also a playwright. She's written a play based on some of her research into the nature of media hype and how it affects peoples' perceptions of socio-political issues. The play will showcase at the theatre lab in the Schwartz Center on November 13 - 15. I've seen the play and honestly speaking, it's really thought-provoking and insightful. If you have some spare time next weekend, I encourage to go check it out. All the details are below.

RE-GENERATION: a Play about Political Stances,
Media Insanity, and Adult Responsibilities
by Debra Vidali (Anthropology, Emory University).  Directed by Ken Hornbeck
Meet 15 young adults as they struggle with the meanings of political engagement, media insanity, and social responsibility. Views collide, collude, and concur...
RE-GENERATION’s dialogues come directly from interviews that anthropologist Vidali conducted with young adults in Atlanta.  90 voices rendered into 15. Now it’s your turn to see, listen, text, and talk.
Performances are free and open to the public.  They will be followed by refreshments & recorded audience discussion.
On Facebook: RE-GENERATION: A Play     Contact:    Rsvp requested, but not required.
Sponsored by:  Halle Institute for Global Learning, Emory University Center for Creativity & Arts, Campus Progress, Generation Response, Emory University Center for Ethics, Slow Food Emory, and Theater at Emory.
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