Saturday, November 20, 2010

One Night Only: AHANA Theater and Issues Troupe

Hello World,

Happy Unity Month!!!! Thank you all for making this year's festivities amazing. As this year's festivities draw to a close, we are bringing you a very special treat, but first, a simple question:

Q: What do you get when you bring two groups of amazing student actors together for ONE NIGHT ONLY?
A: A night of spectacular performances by none other than AHANA Theater and Issues Troupe!!!!!!

Yep, you heard right. AHANA Theater and Issues Troupe are joining forces to bring you thought-provoking skits on race relations and perceptions from within the Emory Community. Whatever you do, you are not going to want to miss this. guaranteed. Further details are down below.

AHANA Theater & Issues Troupe
Harland Cinema
The program will be a presentation of two skits one from Issues Troupe and one from AHANA that address multicultural concerns present on campus. The performances will be followed by a facilitated dialogue with the actors.
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