Monday, November 1, 2010

Unity Month Promo Video 2: We Are Gold and Blue

At long last, It's finally complete . Here's the latest promo video for this year's festivities along with some other stuff that we've been working on behind the scenes. Simply put, we are excited about this year's  celebrations. ARE YOU?
P.S. Look for a cameo by the one and only J Wag.

We Are Gold and Blue
Isn't it funny how life works sometimes?
Many of us go around feeling lonely
Even though there are literally thousands of people just like us
Maybe that's the curse of Emory's geography
Pockets of separate planets wrapped into one disjointed universe
Tunnel-visioned with no cognizance of any world outside of our own

It seems crazy to think that we all go to the same school
Sometimes suffer the repercussions of a bad lunch from the DUC
And constantly wish that Dooley would
Come let out of that God-awful test we did not study for

Sometimes I think we are too wrapped up
In the asinine hullabaloo of everyday life
Like that meeting I have to go to
Or the test I have to study for
And for Pete's sake why won't my lab experiments work
To really stop and take a moment to see what makes us all special

We are a community of scientists and artists
Thinkers and dreamers
We are business people and hippies
We are superficially serious and secretly goofy
We're bent on saving the world
Even though sometimes we act like we don't care
We've all got burdens we refuse to share

We're LGBT and straight
We're Buddhists, Muslims, Wiccans, Christians,
Jews and Hindus, Agnostics and Sikhs
We're even Atheists in more ways than we care to admit
We're Israelis and Palestinians, Tibetan and Chinese
We are every race, color, gender, and creed

But no matter how we divide amongst ourselves
Or what campus we're on
Come what may
Whether hell or high water
Or sun or rain
You and me will forever be
Gold and Blue

Special thanks to:
President Wagner
Dean Wong
Soe Thien
Andi Dirkschneider
Mike Faccini
Amy Li
Marc Cordon
Tito Felix
 Joe McBrayer
Sameer Sayani
Jon DeMar
Malcolm DeCure
And many many others too numerous to mention.
PPS As Always, Let us know what you think.
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