Monday, September 27, 2010

Sustainability Pledge

Hello World,
I hope you all recycle, turn off the lights when you leave the room, car pool whenever possible, etc. because together we can make a difference. I know some people may think that one person can't possibly make a difference. That certainly isn't true. I'm asking you all to take this pledge and share it with more people. It really shows how you can help make a big difference in the world!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunflower People by Mariangela

Many of you have probably seen Mariangela walking around campus and have absolutely no idea who she is. The usually soft-spoken, light-hearted college student packs a head full of secrets and a heart full of love. As president of the nascent Ethics and the Arts Society, she's constantly working show the world that art can serve a purpose other than beauty.
(Don't tell her I told you this, but she's working on an album that promises to be PHENOMENAL.)
If you're curious to see what she has been up to, then I encourage you to check out the first track off the album. Seriously, it may be the best three minutes of your life.

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Cutural Beats!

Hello everyone,
Unity Month is only a few months away! One of the most celebrated events of Unity Month is Cultural Beats. For those who want to perform during this amazing event, look for flyers on more details about auditions. Here's an exciting video of Emory's Skeleton Crew performing at Cultural Beats last year. Enjoy!