Sunday, December 26, 2010

Want to Get Involved in Unity Month?

Hey Beautiful People,

It's been forever and a day since we've posted anything on this humble little blog of ours but the time has come once again for us to ask a very important question:
Who's ready to be part of the flyest crew around?
Applications to be on staff for next year's Unity Month Celebration will be going out soon. If you're interested or if you know someone who is interested, tell them to contact Amy Li at

suit upImage by brennuskrux via Flickr
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Unity Month 2010 Comes To An End

Hello World,

Unity Month 2010 finally comes to an end. The days are getting colder and the nights are getting longer. On the last and final day of November, I would like thank all of you for taking this journey with us and celebrating Unity for an entire. I have created a slideshow of the various exciting events throughout the month. Hopefully it will bring back lots of great memories as it has for me. This may be the end of November and Unity Month, but this isn't the end of Unity. We hope that every day you reflect on what you have learned this month because together, we are Unity.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anyone Missing a Hat from Unity Ball?

Hey Girls and Guys,

I figured this hat would have better a chance of getting claimed if this post came after the Thanksgiving break. As we were cleaning up after Unity Ball, I found a plaid I'mtd hat with skulls and rhinestones on it. If this hat is yours or you happen to know whose it is, then please contact me immediately.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

State of AIDS

Hey World,

After the break, there is going to be an amazing symposium on the about HIV/AIDS at Emory. The event will take place in the Few Multipurpose room at 7pm on November 30th. Further details are down below.

The purpose of this event is to make members of the Emory Community, especially students, aware of the socio-politico-cultural history of HIV/AIDS and the incredible role that Emory is playing in all aspects of HIV/AIDS research and policy, by presenting them with a keynote address delivered by Dean James Curran of the Rollins School of Public Health. His presentation will frame a panel discussion that will open dialogue between members of the Emory community and professionals from various backgrounds who are involved in HIV/AIDS research and policy.

The panel will consist of Dr. Carlos Del Rio, Dr. Harriet Robinson, Mary Loftus, and Paige Parvins.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

One Night Only: AHANA Theater and Issues Troupe

Hello World,

Happy Unity Month!!!! Thank you all for making this year's festivities amazing. As this year's festivities draw to a close, we are bringing you a very special treat, but first, a simple question:

Q: What do you get when you bring two groups of amazing student actors together for ONE NIGHT ONLY?
A: A night of spectacular performances by none other than AHANA Theater and Issues Troupe!!!!!!

Yep, you heard right. AHANA Theater and Issues Troupe are joining forces to bring you thought-provoking skits on race relations and perceptions from within the Emory Community. Whatever you do, you are not going to want to miss this. guaranteed. Further details are down below.

AHANA Theater & Issues Troupe
Harland Cinema
The program will be a presentation of two skits one from Issues Troupe and one from AHANA that address multicultural concerns present on campus. The performances will be followed by a facilitated dialogue with the actors.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Delta Phi Lamba Annual Stroll Competition

Hey Beautiful People,

This Friday night in Glenn Memorial Auditorium, the ladies of Delta Phi Lambda Inc. will be hosting their annual Stroll Competition. This year is bound to be insane. Come on out and show your love for some of your favorite Greek Organizations. The All-Star Line Up for this year includes:

Kappa Alpha Theta
Beta Theta Pi Fraternity Inc.
Delta Phi Omega Sorority Inc.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
Delta Phi Lambda Sorority Inc.

With special performances by:
Ngambika '10
BAM 2010

Digital version of the hand-drawn crest of Del...Image via Wikipedia
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Freedom Riders: Documentary Screening & Discussion

Hello World,

Come out to the fantastic Freedom Rides screening on Tuesday, November 23, 2010. It will be at Harland Cinema from 12pm-1pm. It will be followed up by a 30 minute optional discussion. Drinks and desserts will be provided. RVSP to if you would like to come. See you all there!